Make A Statement

The Largest Calendar Imprint Area Available

Increase your advertising impact with our newly added custom inside cover imprint option. Use the 15.5” x 10” space to market your brand, products, or give your customer a special offer.

Here are just a few ways adding a inside cover imprint can help increase your brand exposure:

  1. Introduce your customers to new products or offers.
  2. Create coupons or special offers.
  3. Share additional information about your company.
  4. Add a QR code for easy marketing communication.
  5. The largest customizable area in the industry.
  6. Get creative with your marketing.
  7. Customers will love it!

Sparta is proud to offer our clients the ability to print on the inside of their calendar cover.

Contact us today to see how we can help you get your custom message across.

Additional Calendar Titles